Doric – Alive an Kickin 2
Doric – Alive an Kickin 2 is Deborah Leslie’s second collection of short stories.This new compilation, written entirely in the Doric dialect, features the lives and loves of a multitude of colourful North-east characters. The language and humour is down-to-earth and distinctively ‘North-east’. There’s laughter and tears as the tales of ordinary folk unfold – join them as they get to grips with birth, death and everything in between. Find out why Jack’s been left with A Naisty Taste in the Moo ; follow the adventures of Reed Het Ronnie and his quest for true love; learn why Pride comes afore a Faa when Dottie installs Sky TV; read about why the Cock o’ the North is spitting feathers; discover how Davie deals with the dreaded Mither-in-Laaw who outstays her welcome… It’s all inside.and much more.
DEBBIE DOES DORIC Book Review of Doric - Alive an Kickin 2 by Laura Sellar. Doric - Alive an Kickin 2, is the new collection of comical short stories from local author Deborah Leslie. I have been lucky enough to get to review her hotly anticipated book before it hits the shelves of the north-east's bookshops this weekend. It has been two years since Deborah published her first anthology of Doric stories, Doric - Alive an Kickin, and she is in fine writing form in the sequel, once again recounting tales of her family and friends. Old familiar characters make a welcome return too; including Ronnie Hinnersen who is still on the look out for his one true love, hypochondriac Sandy Sangster, and auld quines Beldie and Dottie, who are still trying to keep up with the Jones', and despite best efforts are failing miserably. Never one to shy away from the issues affecting us all in today's modern world, Deborah writes about the recent dental crisis in the North-east in, 'A Naisty Taste in the Moo'. With her tongue firmly in her cheek, she manages to address the issues at hand while keeping the story light-hearted. It is perfect for opening her second collection of stories as it sets the general tone for the rest of the book and illustrates how acutely Deborah observes the day to day life in not only Grampian, but nationally. It is certainly one of the strongest stories, alongside the stand out 'Reed Het Ronnie', in which the hapless Ronnie tries 'silent dating' in order to find himself a girlfriend. His adventure is laugh-out-loud funny. Besides the environment, Deborah also tackles recycling in her poem, 'Savin the Environment'. Deborah has also included her recent award winning story 'Clock oan the Waa'. The Doric Festival Writing Competition winner tells the story of a day in the life of ninety-eight year old Lily Milne, who is a resident at Sunshine Grove Nursing Home. Unlike most of the stories contained in Alive and Kickin 2, 'Clock oan the Waa' is a sensitive portrayal of life that pulls on the heart strings. As the reader you are forced to think about the quality of life the elderly have in residential care homes. Whilst Deborah's first book of short stories was certainly accomplished, there is more confidence in her writing the second time around, with the Doric flowing thick and fast. I am confident that Doric - Alive and Kickin 2 will be a huge success and secure Deborah Leslie's position as one of the North-east's finest Doric writers.